Challenge lobby France !!


By Le-Melvin


                           | Black Ops - Zombies | Dvar List |

7551 visitesDernière modification : 06/11/2012 à 14:29

 bind DPAD_RIGHT // Correspond à flèche de droite
 bind DPAD_DOWN // Correspond à flèche de bas
 bind DPAD_LEFT // Correspond à flèche de gauche
 bind DPAD_UP // Correspond à flèche de haut
 bind BUTTON_RSTICK // Correspond à R3
 bind BUTTON_LSTICK // Correspond à L3
 bind BUTTON_B // Correspond à Rond
 bind BUTTON_Y // Correspond à Triangle
 bind BUTTON_X // Correspond à Carré
 bind BUTTON_A // Correspond à Croix
 bind BUTTON_LSHLDR // Correspond à L1
 bind BUTTON_RSHLDR // Correspond à R1
 bind BUTTON_RTRIG // Correspond à R2
 bind BUTTON_LTRIG // Correspond à L2
 bind BUTTON_BACK // Correspond à Select
 bind BUTTON_START // Correspond à Start
 +actionslot 1 \\Dpad UP = flèche de haut
 +actionslot 2 \\Dpad DOWN = flèche de bas
 +actionslot 3 \\Dpad LEFT = flèche de gauche
 +actionslot 4 \\Dpad RIGHT = flèche de droi

 god // invincible
 noclip // mode passe puraille
 ufo // mode ufo
 give ammo // munitions illimité
 notarget // aucun zombies vous attaque
 dropweapon // Arme au sol
 give all // Donne touts les armes
 take all // Enlève touts les armes
 cg_thirdPerson 1 // mode 3eme personne
 cg_thirdPerson 0 // mode 1er personne
 cg_fov 200 // promod
 jump_height 999 // super saut
 g_speed 999 // Speed Hack
 cg_drawfps 1 // Affiche du fps
 cl_wadefps 1 // FPS Détailler
 phys_gravity 999 // Zombies ce lève au ciel quand il meurt
 cg_tracerlength 999;cg_tracerspeed 0020;cg_tracerwidth 15 // Balles Tracers
 cg_scoresColor_Zombie 0 1 1 // Tableau du score en couleur
 zombiefive_discovered 1 // Dévérouille five
 zombietron_discovered 1 // Dévérouille dead ops arcade
 cg_scoresColor_Player_0 0 0 1 1;cg_scoresColor_Player_1 0 0 1 1;cg_scoresColor_Player_2 0 0 1 1;cg_scoresColor_Player_3 0 0 1 1 // pseudo des gens en couleur
 spdevmap zombie_theater // change map sur kino
 spdevmap zombie_pentagon // change map sur five
 ai_disableSpawn // Zombies ne revie pas
 timescale 1 10 .1 // Vitesse du jeux
 ai axis delete // Tue touts les zombies
 demigod // Demi invincible
 g_gravity 999 // change la graviter
 player_sprintUnlimited 1 // Sprint illimité
 player_meleeRange 999 // Couteau de loin
 r_znear 58 // Wallhack
 r_znear 4 // Wallhack off
 party_hostname "PSN ICI" // Force Host
 fast_restart // Redémarrez la partie
 Revive_Trigger_Radius 999 // Loin Revive:
 perk_weapratemultiplier 0 // (super double tap)
 magic_chest_movable 0 // la boite ne bouge pas
 ai axis health 1 // zombie mure en une balle
 ai axis health 100000 // dur a tue les zombi (godmod)
 player_topDownCamMode 1 0 // Vu Dead Ops Arcade
 cg_draw2D / / Dessine éléments de l'écran 2D
 cg_drawCrosshair3D / / Activer le viseur d'arme en mode 3
 Score Board colorée //

 cg_scoresColor_Player_0 0 0 0 1
 cg_scoresColor_Player_1 1 0 0 0
 cg_scoresColor_Player_2 0 1 0 0
 cg_scoresColor_Player_3 0 0 1 0
 cg_scoresColor_Gamertag_0 1 1 1 1
 cg_scoresColor_Gamertag_1 1 0 0 0
 cg_scoresColor_Gamertag_2 0 1 0 0
 cg_scoresColor_Gamertag_3 0 0 1 0
 cg_scoresColor_Transparency 1
 cg_scoresColor_TransparencyZombie 1
 cg_scoresColor_Zombie 0 0 0 1
 Blue Ping Bars

 cg_ScoresPing_HighColor 0 0 1 1
 cg_ScoresPing_LowColor 0 0.68 1 1
 cg_ScoresPing_MedColor 0 0.49 1 1
 Fast Revive
 revive_time_taken 1


 RGB Color Codes

 0 0 0 0 - transparent
 0 0 0 1 - Noir
 0 0 1 1 - blue
 0 1 1 1 - urquoise
 1 1 1 1 - blanc
 1 1 0 1 - jaune
 1 0 1 1 - rose
 1 0 0 1 - rouge
 0 1 0 1 - vert
 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 - gris


            /Other Cool Guns /

*Kino Der Toten                            *
*give thundergun_upgraded_zm      *
*Five                                           *
*give freezegun_upgraded_zm       *
*Ascension                                    *
*give thundergun_upgraded_zm      *
*Call Of The Dead                 *
*give humangun_upgraded_zm        *
*give sniper_explosive_upgraded_zm*
*Shangri-la                                 *
*give shrink_ray_upgraded_zm      *
*Moon                                            *
*give microwavegunlh_upgraded_zm  *
*Der Riese                                  *           
*give tesla_gun_upgraded_zm       *           




| Confige


bind2 BUTTON_X "bind DPAD_UP toggle timescale 1 2 5;bind DPAD_DOWN ai axis delete;bind DPAD_LEFT jumptonode 0;bind DPAD_RIGHT kill"
bind BUTTON_BACK "bind DPAD_UP +actionslot 1;bind DPAD_DOWN +actionslot 2;bind DPAD_LEFT +actionslot 3;bind DPAD_RIGHT +actionslot 4;player_burstFireCooldown 0;player_clipSizeMultiplier 999;perk_armorvest 0;player_meleeRange 999;player_meleeWidth 999;perk_weapRateMultiplieR 0.001;perk_weapReloadMultiplier 0.001;revive_trigger_radius 99999;cg_brass 0;phys_gravity 99;ai_corpsecount 5;cg_ScoresColor_Zombie 1 1 0 1;cg_ScoresColor_Gamertag_0 1 0 0 1;togglescores"
bind2 BUTTON_RTRIG "bind DPAD_UP ai axis health 1;bind DPAD_DOWN ai axis health 100000;bind DPAD_LEFT ai axis type 1;bind DPAD_RIGHT toggle player_topDownCamMode 1 0"
bind2 BUTTON_RSTICK "bind DPAD_UP toggle cg_fov 5 65 80 160;bind DPAD_DOWN toggle cg_thirdperson 1 0;bind DPAD_LEFT toggle g_speed 50 190 400 800 5000;bind DPAD_RIGHT toggle bg_gravity 1 90 400 800"
bind2 APAD_DOWN "give ammo"[/code]

[code]bind BUTTON_START "give minigun_zm;dropweapon;give ray_gun_upgraded_zm;wait 20;give ammo;dropweapon;give thundergun_upgraded_zm;wait 20;give ammo;dropweapon;give freezegun_upgraded_zm;wait 20;give ammo;dropweapon;give sniper_explosive_upgraded_zm;wait 20;give ammo;dropweapon;give shrink_ray_upgraded_zm;wait 20;give ammo;dropweapon;give microwavegun_upgraded_zm;wait 20;give ammo;dropweapon;give humangun_upgraded_zm;wait 20;give ammo;dropweapon;give crossbow_explosive_upgraded_zm;wait 20;give ammo;dropweapon;give m1911_upgraded_zm;wait 20;give ammo;dropweapon;give defaultweapon;wait 20;give ammo;dropweapon;give m16_gl_upgraded_zm;wait 20;give ammo;dropweapon;give commando_upgraded_zm;wait 20;give ammo;dropweapon;give china_lake_upgraded_zm;wait 20;give ammo;dropweapon;give tesla_gun_zm;wait 20;give ammo;dropweapon"
bind2 BUTTON_LTRIG "bind DPAD_UP noclip;bind DPAD_DOWN god;bind DPAD_LEFT ufo;bind DPAD_RIGHT notarget"
bind2 APAD_UP "give ammo


By Le-Melvin

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